
- Ode To ZAC

- Posey Pot

- Festival Of Trees

- Last Snow

- Back Window

- Antique Dresser Scarf

- Apple Blossom

- Patriotic Beets

- Zanesville Art Institute

- Pink Stripped Wallpaper

- Red

- Bauer Studio Pottery

- Weller Vase Project Painting

- Orchids

- Carr Center Cake Auction

- Ginna's Talent #1

- Poppy

- Perennial Joy

- Ginna's Talent #2

- Late Bloomer

- Chris's Chair

- Car Center Cookbook

- Shelved Treasures

- Susie's Garden Bench

- A Flower Quickly Fading

- Mary Ann Boyd's Bears

- Ryan's Poinsetta

- Weller Black Pearl

- Tulips & Forget-Me-Nots

- My Favorite Color

- Jay Payton (Face Right)

- Jay Payton (Face Left)